Guide to Geneva

Last year, “Municipal Scanner” presented the ”Guide to Karlovy Vary”. We appreciated the public reaction and decided to study another interesting European city — Geneva.

Like in Karlovy Vary, you can find people from all over the former USSR here: daughters of presidents Nursultan Nazarbayev, Islam Karimov and Askar Akaev; oligarchs Vyacheslav Kantor, Igor Kolomoisky and Vlad Plakhotnyuk; families of Gennady Timchenko and his business partner Torbjörn Törnqvist.

Read the full list and study the residents of Geneva on the map:

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  1. Olesya Aksenenko (Avenue Eugène-Pittard 46B).
    Daughter of Nikolay Aksenenko — First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia in 1999-2000, Minister of Transportation in 1997-2002.
  2. Leonid Cheshinsky (Chemin Byron 21B).
    Former Minister of Bread Products of RSFSR; in 1991 – Minister of Procurements of RSFSR; since 1992 – president of Roskhlebprodukt; since 2001 – chairman of the board of directors of Roskhlebprodukt.
  3. Valery Cheshinsky (Chemin des Hauts-Crêts 6).
    Son of Leonid Cheshinsky.
  4. Svetlana Cheshinskaya (Chemin Byron 23).
    Daughter of Leonid Cheshinsky, wife of Rustam Aksenenko. Rustam Aksenenko is the partner of Maksim Liksutov and Gennady Timchenko and son of Nikolay Aksenenko.
  5. Dali and Izetta Aushev (Chemin des Hauts-Crêts 6Chemin de Planta 1).
    Daughters of Mukharbek Aushev, former deputy of the 2nd and 4th convocations of the State Duma. From 1995 to 1999, Aushev was the vice president of Lukoil. As of 2015, he was a member of the regional political council of «United Russia» in Ingushetia. Mukharbek Aushev owns the T1 company together with Zelim Mansurov, the son of longstanding head of North Ossetia Taimuraz Mamsurov, current member of the Federation Council.
  6. Natan and Evgenia Golukhov (Chemin Vert 6).
    Parents of Georgy Golukhov, former head of the Moscow City Health Department. He resigned “due to obtaining a Swiss residency permit”. Since 1988, he has only worked in the health sector. He is a subject of an investigation by the Anti-corruption Foundation
  7. Shamil Idrisov (Chemin de Conches 39).
    From 2005 to 2015 – Deputy Head of Administration of Ulyanovsk Oblast, close friend of the governor of Ulyanovsk Oblast Sergey Morozov. While being a government official, he co-owned companies that were getting permissions to conduct highly profitable construction projects in the region. Shamil Idrisov is a member of the board of two Estonian companies: Bilton Solutions OÜ and Biltinnet OÜ.
  8. Maria Muravlenko (Route de Florissant 89A).
    Daughter of the State Duma deputy (since 2003) Sergey Muravlenko, who previously owned this property himself. In 1993, Muravlenko was appointed as the president and chairman of the board of Yukos Oil Company. After the company was privatized in 1995, Muravlenko kept his position as the chairman of the board. In 1996, he was elected chairman of the board of Rosprom, which united 30 manufacturing enterprises of the Menatep group. In 2001, Mikhail Khodorkovsky called Muravlenko one of the real co-owners of the company.
  9. Rafael Gimalov (Route de Florissant 89A, Chemin de Conches 37)
    Since 1992 – president of the Association of Representatives of Medium and Small-sized Businesses of the Republic of Tatarstan. Since 1993 – assistant director of Pioner company. In 1999 – director of Rus Finance House. State Duma deputy from 1999 to 2013.  «United Russia» factionary. The property was formerly owned by Rafael himself, but is currently registered in the name of Chingiz Guimalov (born 2007). Rafael Guimalov is the uncle of Marat Zagidullov. The house at Chemin de Conches 37 is owned by Aliya Guimalova, Rafael’s daughter.
  10. Vladimir Popov (Avenue KRIEG 44BIS)
    Since 1990 – CEO and co-owner of the Tema company (Moscow real estate developer). In 2009, the company filed for bankruptcy. He is connected to the former Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov. In 2003, prosecutor’s offices in Munich (Az 317 Js 38586/03) and Zurich (STR 2/2003/11) pressed criminal charges against Popov for misappropriation through fraud and forgery of documents of $13 million (Az 10814/2003/ Tenm AG Popov). The case files feature a transfer to Popov’s personal account №.: 11. 5369 in Bank für Handel und Effekten (Talacker Str.50, 8039 Zurich) of $500,000. In June 1997, Prosecutor-General’s Office of Russia sent S. Almazov, director of the Federal Tax Police Service, evidence of Popov’s major volation of the tax legislation. An investigation revealed that over 80 billion non-denominated rubles were concealed. In 1999, a criminal case against Popov was initiated.
  11. Tatiana Razumova (Avenue Edmond-Vaucher 17).
    Widow of Konstantin Razumov, former official of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the USSR. Razumov was a member of the ICC arbitrary court. Later, he became an associate of a Geneva lawyer who works with Russian clients. Prosecutor-General’s Office of Russia asked the Swiss authorities for cooperation in the investigation into the activities of Razumov, who is accused of fraud and breach of faith. Tatiana Razumova killed her husband out of jealousy. In 2007, she was convicted to 6 years of imprisonment. Before that, the family lived on a villa in Cologna.
  12. Marina Ryzhkova (Chemin de Ruth 115).
    Daughter of Nikolay Ryzhkov (Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1985–1991,  deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from Sverdlovsk Oblast  in 1974–1989, State Duma deputy in 1995–2003, member of the Federation Council since 2003, included in the EU sanctions list since 2014). Ryzhkova’s husband is Boris Gutin. Since 1992, Gutin was the Deputy Chief of the Department of Economic Counterintelligence of the Ministry of Security of Russia. Since 1996, he worked at the Russian Federal Customs Committee. In 2001, director of the “Tri Kita” shopping plaza published an open letter stating that law enforcement officials, including Gutin, extorted $8 million form him. In 2004, Gutin became a senator. Two years later, speaker of the Federation Council Sergey Mironov demanded that four regional parliaments recall their senators — including Boris Gutin. The experts named his connections to the customs underworld as the reason for his dismissal.
  13. Guzel Salikhova (Chemin de la Butte 33C).
    Employee of the Trade and Economic Representative Office of the Republic of Tatarstan in Switzerland. Daughter of Khafiz Salikhov. In 1998–2001, Khafiz was the Minister of Trade and Economic Cooperation of Tatarstan. Since 2001, he is the Minister of Trade and Foreign Economic Cooperation of Tatarstan. In 2007–2011, he was a State Duma deputy from «United Russia».  Elmira Salikhova, Guzel’s sister, is the co-founder of several legal entities in Tatarstan and one of the administrators of a Swiss logistics company, whose address matches the address of the Tatarstan representative office in Switzerland.
  14. Denis Smirnov (Chemin du Joran 6).
    Son ok Konrad Smirnov, assistant of the Chairman of KGB Yuri Andropov. For a long time, he worked in the team of Sergey Stepashin (former head of FSB, MIA and the Audit Chamber), conducted the restoration of Putin’s official residence in early 2000s. He is afraid of returning to Russia. Denis Smirnov also featured in our Karlovy Vary guide.
  15. Semen Vinokurov (Chemin Gilbert-Trolliet 3).
    Co-owner of the Russian Genfa company, which distributes and localizes pharmaceuticals. Works with Rostec. His son, Alexander Vinokurov, is a major shareholder, executive partner and president of the Marathon Group investment company, SIA Group distributor and Mega Farm drug-store chain («Da, zdorov!» and «A-Mega» drug-stores); shareholder of the Magnit retail chain; co-owner of Sintez pharmaceutical plant in Kurgan, Bentus-Laboratorii company (Sanitelle brand), Biocom pharmaceutical plant, Fort biopharmaceutical company; member of the board of directors of Natsimibo, married to the daughter of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov.
  16. Yulia Yancheva (Uzbekova) (Chemin de la Gradelle 52).
    CEO of Dukkar SA. Widow of Petr Yanchev, daughter of the former deputy CEO Vildan Uzbekov. In the early 1990s, Yanchev’s company Balkar-Trading exported every fourth ton of Russian oil. In mid-1990s, Yanchev was accused of bribery and dismissed. In 1997, Yanchev was released and continued doing business. His new company, Tangra-Oil, purchased a share in an oil producing company, rented 1500 railway tanks and a dozen of tankers. In 2006, the businessman died suddenly. His business went to his widow Yulia and his father-in-law Vildan Uzbekov. Tangra-Oil went bankrupt, and the business then went to the Swiss Dukkar Group.
  17. Tatiana Nagowski (Rue Lamartine 24A).
    Council member of the Orthodox Fund of the Moscow Patriarchate together with Mikhail Gundyaev, nephew of Patriarch Kirill Gundyaev, representative of the Russian Orthodox Church at the World Council of Churches in Geneve and dean of a church in Geneve.
  18. Orthodox Fund of the Moscow Patriarchate (Avenue Jacques-Martin 11).
    Council members of the Fund: Tatiana Nagovski and Mikhail Gundyaev, nephew of the Patriarch of Russian Orthodox Church Kirill.
  19. Agadzhan Avanesov (Chemin du Pré-de-la-Blonde 4Route de Frontenex 60).
    Owner of 19.7% of StarBank shares. In 2016, Central bank of Russia recalled the bank’s license. One of the reasons was that “the bank was involved in suspicious operations involving withdrawal of cash funds and transfer of them abroad, as well as suspicious transit operations”. The house at Route de Frontenex 60 belongs to Societe Immobiliere Les Vollandes SA, which, according to “Novaya Gazeta”, is controlled by Agadzhan Avanesov.
  20. Vakhid Artykov (Chemin de la Pierrière 9).
    Assistant of Agadzhan Avanesov, co-owner of StarBank.
  21. Gazi and Tatiana Luguev (Route de Florissant 50).
    Gazi Luguev was considered one of the leaders of a Dagestan crime syndicate that is responsible for muggings, robberies and thefts in the Central Administrative District of Moscow. He lives in Switzerland since 1995. In 2014, he was the first vice chairman of the board of Rosneftegazstroi and the president of its foreign branch, RNGS International. The latter is currently registered in the name of Roman Danaev, a British citizen who assumes various roles during registration of companies. There are mentions of his partnership with Dzhalal Luguev, son of Gazi Luguev, startupper and investor.
  22. Sergei Scherbakov (Route de Florissant 158Chemin Diodati 8Chemin Diodati 6Rue des Granges 14Chemin de la Tour-Carrée 1).
    Son of Vladimir Shcherbakov, Soviet statesman, entrepreneur, main shareholder of the Avtotor automobile assembly plant. In 2016, Luxembourg company Automotive Development Holding became the new owner of the holding with a share of 99.98%. The only shareholder of the company is the Hongkong-based Automotive Development Group Limited, which was founded in February 2016 and is completely owned by Sergey Scherbakov. At the same time, Scherbakov manages the Swiss company ONYX PROPERTIES SA, which also owns property in Geneve.
    Until 2017, the house at Chemin de la Tour-Carrée 1 was owned by Ksenia Frank, daughter of Gennady Timchenko.
  23. Alexander Pumpyanskiy (Rue des Granges 9).
    Chairman of the board of SKB-Bank, son of Dmitry Pumpyanskiy, the owner of the owner of Sinara Group and main shareholder of TMK. In 2018, Dmitry Pumpyanskiy was in the top three “government contract kings” .
  24. Ksenia Kuleshova (Chemin de Bonnevaux 8).
    Psychologist, assistant professor of Sechenov University, worked as an assistant of deputy Alexey Podberezkin in the 2nd convocation of the State Duma. The house is co-owned by Sergey Pereima.  His sister,  Tatiana Pereima, is the vice-president of company law matters of United Petrochemical Company.
  25. David Khidasheli (Chemin Edouard-Tavan 22).
    In 2009–2011 – executive vice-president of OAO AFK Sistema. In 2011-2012 – director of innovations of OAO AFK Sistema.
  26. Rishat Safin (Chemin de Botterel 18)
    Brother of Ralif Safin, member of Federation Council in 2002–2014.


  1. Sergey and Elena Dyachevskiy (Chemin de la Pose-Plate 15).
    Sergey Dyacheskiy is the CEO of Geosroi Group of Companies, which develops infrastructure for oil, gas and ore deposits, as well as for manufacturing and extracting companies in Russia and former USSR. It mostly deals with Gazprom and Rosneft.
  2. Alexey and Angelina Galeev (Chemin de Chantebise 4).
    Alexey Galeev is the former director of a branch of International Petroleum Products (IPP) B.V., Amsterdam. It is a part of Gunvor corporation, which was founded by Gennady Timchenko and Torbjörn Törnqvist.
  3. Petr Golovinov (Chemin de la Gradelle 14).
    Former member of the board of directors of UK-registered Angara Mining Ltd. He assumed control over Vasilyevsky Rudnik gold mining company in Krasnodar Krai. This company was headed by Petr Golovinov and Vladimir and Ilya Preis. In 1996, it got a loan from the Ministry of Finace, which, as of 2010, hasn’t been repaid.
  4. Sergey Chernikov (Chemin de Ruth 85).
    Co-founder of Bashkhim holding. Member of the Civic Chamber in 2008–2010, business partner of Viktor Islamov.
  5. Viktor Islamov (Avenue de l’Amandolier 32).
    Business partner of Sergey Chernikov. President of Petrotec-Holding until 2016. Since 2007 — co-owner of Bashkhim holding.
  6. Viatcheslav Kantor (Chemin de la Prévôté 17Chemin de Ruth 65).
    President of the European Jewish Congress, chairman of the European Jewish Fund, chairman of the political council of the World Jewish Congress, owner of Akron, world’s leading producer of mineral fertilizers.
  7. Rahman Khalilov (Chemin de Fleur-d’Eau 9).
    Rahman Khalilov is the owner of Trans Holding. In 2015, its subsidiary, Resource Trading, signed oil supply contracts with RZD on a total amount of over 30 billion rubles. Another company owned by Khalilov is Kurgannefteproduct, which signed contracts with Rosneft on a total amount of 3.5 billion rubles. Rahman Khalilov’s father is Iskender Khalilov, Azerbaijanian-Russian entrepreneur, former vice president of Lukoil.
  8. Anatoly and Vera Loktionov (Route de La-Capite 140).
    Anatoly Loktionov is a former vice-president of Rosneft. In 2011, as a co-owner of Naftatrans, he became a suspect under Art. 306 of the Criminal Code of Russia (false denunciation).
  9. Elena Rybolovleva (Chemin des Princes 24).
    Ex-wife of Dmitry Rybolovlev. Until 2010, Dmitry owned the majority stake and was the director of Uralkali. Since 2011, he AS Monaco FC and is the controlling shareholder of Bank of Cyprus. After his divorce, Rybolovlev was obliged to transfer to his wife around $604 million, as well as some property in Geneva.
  10. Nazim and Khadija Suleymanov (Chemin des Six-Bouleaux 8).
    In 1995–2003, Nazim Suleymanov worked at Lukoil, in 2012–2015 — at Litasco SA (Swiss trading subsidiary of Lukoil).
  11. Elena and Ivan Timchenko (Chemin de Planta 45Rampe de Cologny 10).
    Wife and son of Gennady Timchenko, founder of Gunvor, through which a vast majority of Russian oil is exported.
  12. Eva Törnqvist (Rampe de Cologny 5).
    First wife of Torbjörn Törnqvist, co-founder (along with Gennady Timchenko) of Gunvor. Before Timchenko was included into sanctions lists, Törnqvist bought out his partner’s share and became the head of the company.
  13. Torbjörn Törnqvist (Chemin de Ruth 83Chemin de la Blonde 34).
    Founder and owner of Gunvor.
  14. Vasily Volkov (Rue Bémont 4).
    Manager of LITASCO (Lukoil).
  15. Andrey Polyakov (Chemin de Faguillon 5A).
    Polyakov is a manager LITASCO (Lukoil) and a trader. He represented LITASCO during its conflict with Ventbunkers (Latvia).
  16. Aigul Yunusova (Chemin de la Colline 17B).
    Head of legal department and member of the board of directors of LITASCO(Lukoil).
  17. Alexander and Alla Potapouchin (Chemin de la Gradelle 58).
    Alexander Potapouchin is a representative of Mercuria Energy Trading SA, one of the largest buyers of Russian oil in Russia, and a member of the board of directors of FESCO freight company. Until spring 2018, he was a member of the board of directors of Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port.
  18. Ekaterina Nazzal (Route d’ Hermance 415).
    Daughter of Eduard Hudainatov, owner of Independent Petroleum Co. (NNK). Eduard Hudainatov is considered a close associate of Igor Sechin.
  19. Sergey Evstratov (Chemin Docteur-Adolphe-Pasteur 16).
    Affiliate of Uralkali as of 2017, former founder of Rosbank and Uralkali rep offices in Switzerland.
  20. Murat and Shirin Seitnepesov (Chemin de Bédex 9E).
    Murat Seitnepesov is The owner and chairman of the board of Integral Petroleum SA, through which Turkmenian oil is transferred. His wife is a top manager at the same company.
    In July 2017, Swiss company Gentium Law Group Sàrl stated that it “became a victim of fraud from the Geneva oil trading company Integral Petroleum SA along with its executive director Murat Seitnepesov, and its general legal advisor Konstantin Ryndin, who permanently reside in the republic and Geneva canton. The amount in question is 890,000 Swiss francs, criminal proceedings were initiated against Integral Petroleum SA, Murat Seitnepesov and Konstantin Ryndin”.
    In summer 2018, Gentium Law Group partner Matthew Parish was arrested for two month following the statements of Seitnepesov and Ryndin. They accused the former lawyer of extortion, false accusations and breach of legal professional privilege. The reason for such accusations was the lawyer’s letter addressed to the director of MI-5 and the US Office of Foreign Assets Control. Parish wrote that the director of  Integral Petroleum SA Seitnepesov “manages an intricate complex of offshore companies as part of his oil trading business, and the goal of this is or was evasion” of sanctions against Iran, as well as “concealment of the fact that he makes deal with sanctioned individuals and entities” in Russia and Iran.  Integral Petroleum concealed the origin of Iranian oil by mixing it with the oil from Turkmenistan and sold cargo of Russian origin as Turkmenian oil. “He wrote that Integral Petroleum and companies linked to it also financed an organization connected to the Iranian Islamic revolution Guards Corps” — Bloomberg cited.
  21. Olga and Petr Terebov (Chemin des Bougeries 16).
    Petr Terebov is the owner of Swiss company Nori SA. It specialized in international trade of scrap metal supplied from Rostov Oblast. The company got unsecured loans in a total amount of almost $25 million against guarantees of supplies of wares from Rostov Electrometallurgical Plant, which is headed by the former State Duma deputy Vadim Varshavsky. In Russia, Terebov co-owns ZAO Donelectrostal, OOO Donlom, AO Millerovo Gavrilov Metallurgical Equipment Factory OJSC, as well as Rostov-based OOO Kulibin Brand.

Operating personnel

  1. Elizabeth Kolarov (Chemin des Marèches 6A).
    Director of French company Belize. Its executive partners were Gennady, Elena and Ksenia Timchenko. In December 2014, after an investigation by Alexey Navalny, Timchenko family transferred the shares to Elizabeth Kolarov, Gérard Xelot (according to Panama Leaks, he is the founder of Tolex Petroleum LTD) and Alla Rudkovskaya. Timchenkos’ villa in Saint-Raphael is currently managed through their company.
  2. Bogdan Lisurenko (Route de Villette 51A).
    Lawyer who helped the family of Prosecutor General Chaika  obtain Greek residency and formalize their ownership of a hotel in Greece.
  3. Marina Meltseva-Alexeeva (Shchegoleva) (Chemin Ravoux 9).
    Representative of the elder daughter of Uzbekistan president Gulnara Karimova in the criminal case against the dissident Safar Bekzhan. Geneva canton prosecutor’s office claims that not a single official document confirming her words was attached to the claim. According to Bekzhan, dozens of companies operating in cotton trade between Uzbekistan and Switzerland, as well as tourism, are registered in Switzerland in the name of Marina Meltseva. Meltseva is a Russian citizen, she manages AMM Luxury Travel & Consultancy Sàrl, which helps organize tourist trips and obtain education, healthcare, bank services, etc. in Switzerland.
  4. Larisa and Pavel Vasilyev (Chemin de Saule 106).
    In 2013, Larisa Vasilyeva was the director of Dagmara Trading SA, which was founded by Bulat Chagaev. She commented on Chagaev’s departure from Switzerland and the current situation around the criminal cases against him for the Swiss mass media. Bulat is the son-in-law of the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Chechen-Ingush Republic Doku Zavgaev and a former employee of the executive office of the republic. Over 40 criminal cases against Chagaev related to Neuchâtel Xamax FCS were initiated in Swiss courts. Chagaev was arrested by the swiss prosecution and served a pre-trial detention after refusing to post bail in the amount of €5 million. In 2013, he was deported from Switzerland.

  1. Maksim Alenov (Chemin Edouard-Tavan 18).
    Previously worked at TNK, Lukoil, Vitol and Trafigura. In 2013, he was appointed as the vice chairman of the supervisory board of VETEK group of companies (Ukraine). Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine considers VETEK, which is controlled by Sergey Kurchenko, a criminal organization.
  2. Yulia Okhlopkova (Glynina) (Chemin de Conches 15).
    Wife of Andrey Okhlopkov, former deputy from the Regions Party in the Supreme Council of Crimea and former CEO of Soyuz-Viktan. In early 2000s, Andrey Okhlopkov was accused of contract murder. In Russia and Ukraine, criminal cases were initiated on the embezzlement by Soyuz-Viktan of loan funds of Russian Alpha-Bank.
  3. Viktoria Vecherko (Chemin du Nant-d’Argent 15).
    Citizen of Ukraine and Switzerland, granddaughter of Yukhym Zvyahilsky, daughter of Vladimir Vecherko.  Yukhym Zvyahilsky is the deputy of all convocations of the Verkhovna Rada (during the most recent convocations, he represented the Regions Party/Opposition Bloc). One of the leaders of the “Donetsk Clan”. He controls the largest mine in the region, Zasyadko Mine. During the period of Zvyahilsky’s control, over 300 miners have died there.  Vladimir Vecherko is a member of V-VII convocations of the Verkhovna Rada from the Regions Party.  He does business related to coal mining and metalworking. In 1996–2006, he was a consultant of Metcoal SA’s Ukrainian branch and director of Metcoal SA. In 2005-2006, he was the CEO of Soyuzprominvest-Donbass. Experts think that Alexander Yanukovich (son of exiled ex-president Viktor Yanukovich) uses Zvyahilsky and Vecherko to try to regain control over Ukrainian resources.
  4. Larisa Chertok (Route de Malagnou 30Chemin de Fleur-d’Eau 7).
    Sister of oligarch Igor Kolomoisky.
  5. Nisan Moiseev (Route de Florissant 119C).
    Israeli businessman. Used to work together with Emex Turkmenistan LTD trading company and Integral Petroleum, securing the shipments of Turkmenian diesel fuel to Ukraine. Owner of Proton Energy Group S.A., director of Glusco Energy SA, which in 2016 bought out Rosneft’s fuel stations in Ukraine. According to the reports of Ukrainian journalists, oligarch Victor Medvedchuk may be behind Glusco Energy SA. In 2018, Nisan Moiseev won a lawsuit against the journalists, obliging them to contradict these claims.
  6. Nikolay Fartushnyak (Chemin Vert 16).
    Owner of Sportmaster retail chain. Maltese journalist Galicia Daphne Galizia reported that Nikolay’s brother Vladimir Fartushnyak obtained a Maltese citizenship.


  1. Leila Khrapunova (Chemin du Petit-Saconnex 28B).
    Former owner of Viled group of companies. In 2012, she was put on the wanted list by Kazakhstan Financial Police on a charge of fraud. Wife of Viktor Khrapunov, former akim of Alma-Ata, former akim of West-Kazakhstan Region and former Minister of Emergency Situations of Kazakhstan. Khrapunov was put on the Interpol’s wanted list on charges of money laundering, fraud, abuse of power and bribetaking.
  2. Dinara Kulibaeva (Nazarbaeva) (Route d’Hermance 399).
    Second daughter of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaev. Country’s richest woman according to Forbes in 2011. Her private fortune is estimated at $1.3 billion (№ 938 in the world and № 4 in Kazakhstan). Her husband, Timur Kulibaev, is the chairman of Kazenergy Association, which unites oil, gas and energy enterprises, and the chairman of the national committee of the World Petroleum Council.
  3. Natalia Mestoyeva (Chemin du Parc-de-Montalègre 12).
    Wife of Akhmed Mestoyev, Kazakhstan’s trade representative in Switzerland in 1996-2002 and in Russia in 2002-2010 and 2012-2017 and Deputy Head of the Department of Presidential Affairs of Kazakhstan. In August 2017, Mestoyev was appointed as an advisor to the Department of Presidential Affairs. Mestoyev’s son Ruslan is a former executive director for government procurements of the state railroad company. Until 2016, Ruslan worked as the deputy CEO of KazTransOil.
  4. Timur Tokayev (Chemin Gilbert-Trolliet 3).
    Timur Tokayev is the son of Kassym-Jomart Tokaev, Chairman of the Senate of Kazakhstan (since 2013).
  5. Aigeliya Nurgozhayeva (Murzabekova) (Avenue De-Budé 2)
    Wife of Yerzhan Nurgozhaev, businessman and brother of Almata akim’s son-in-law. Father — Almaz Murzabekov, businessman, former vice president of Zheldorstroy and Kazakhstan Temir Zholy, former head of the Kazakhstan branch of Russian transport company UniTrans. Mother —Svetlana Murzabekova, first deputy director of Nursulan Nazarbaev’s Education Foundation, vice president of Kazakhstan Project management Association, chairman of the board of International IT University.


  1. Bermet Akaeva (Rue Le-Corbusier 14).
    Daughter of Askar Akaev, ex-president of Kyrgyzstan. Kyrgyz politician. Akaeva’s husband is prominent Kazakh businessman Adil Toigonbaev.
  2. Muktar Dzhumaliev and Asel Akeneeva (Avenue Tronchet 20).
    Until 2010, Dzhumaliev was the First Deputy Head of the Department of Presidential Affairs of Kyrgyzstan. Until 2014, he worked as the ambassador in the USA and Canada. In 1998-2003, he was the First Secretary of Kyrgyzstan’s Permanent Mission to the UN/WTO in Geneva. Asel Akeneeva is the daughter of Zhumakadyr Akeneev, president of the Oil Traders Association of Kyrgyzstan, former chairman of national statistics committee and Minister of Agriculture and Water Economy of Kyrgyzstan.


  1. Gulnara Karimova (Chemin de la Prévôté 7).
    Daughter of ex-president of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov. Karimova was put under arrest in Uzbekistan for receiving a €300 million bribe. The money was allegedly paid by the Swiss operator TeliaSonera for entering the Uzbekistan market. Karimova is accused of several economic crimes, including the laundering of $1.5 billion abroad.
  2. Timur Tillyaev (Chemin Vert 14).
    Husband of Lola Karimova, the younger daughter of Islam Karimov. Tillyaev also owns the Abi Sahiy company, which imports goods to Uzbekistan. During the presidency of Islam Karimov, Abu Sahiy had tax remissions. After Karimov’s death, sudden checks and holdups in goods delivery started.


  1. Arzu Azimov (Avenue de l’Ermitage 9). Executive director of SOCAR Trading, Azerbaijan national oil company.


  1. Vladimir Plakhotnyuk (Chemin des Marèches 17).
    Chairman of the Democratic Party of Moldova. The property at Chemin des Marèches 17 belongs to the Swiss company Mareches SA, which, according to the investigation by RISE Moldova, is connected to Vladimir Pakhotnyuk.


  1. Rems Kargins and Alexandra Kargina (Chemin du Pré d’Orsat 27).
    Rems is the son of former owner of Parex Banka Valery Kargin. In 2008 Parex Bank was nationalized in order to avoid its bankruptcy. According to the Privatization Agency and Parex Bank’s legal successor Reverta, during privatization Kargin and Krasovitsky didn’t list the real losses on the bank’s balance in the amount of €117.7 million. The court proceedings on this claim still continue.
  1. Antoaneta Vassileva (Chemin du Nant-d’Argent 18).
    Professor of Bulgarian University of National and World Economy in Sofia and wife of Tsvetan Vassilev, shareholder of Corporate Commercial Bank. In 2017, Antoaneta was put on the international wanted list on a charge of money laundering. The subject of the investigation by Bulgarian prosecutors is the purchase of a house in Switzerland. Bulgaria also insists on the extradition of Tsvetan Vassilev from Serbia.

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